The MPI-Mainz UV/VIS Spectral Atlas

of Gaseous Molecules of Atmospheric Interest

Hannelore Keller-Rudek1, Geert K. Moortgat2, Rolf Sander2, Rüdiger Sörensen1

1Satellite Group

2Atmospheric Chemistry Division

Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry
Mainz, Germany


Cross Sections

Quantum Yields


Contact, Imprint, Acknowledgements

When referring to the Spectral Atlas, please cite our publication:

Keller-Rudek, H., Moortgat, G. K., Sander, R., and Sörensen, R.: The MPI-Mainz UV/VIS spectral atlas of gaseous molecules of atmospheric interest, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 5, 365–373, (2013), DOI: 10.5194/essd-5-365-2013

Cross Sections / Organics (carbonyls) / Aldehydes(aliphatic) / CH2O


NAME: formaldehyde, methanal
CAS RN:50-00-0

Graphical Representations:

CH2O_320-340nm(high-resolution,add N2)_lin.jpg
CH2O_320-340nm(high-resolution,add N2)_log.jpg
CH2O_EUV and VUV_6-180nm_lin.jpg
CH2O_EUV and VUV_60-180nm_lin.jpg
CH2O_and CD2O, CHDO_lin.jpg
CH2O_and CD2O, CHDO_log.jpg

Data Sets:

Formula Author(Year) T λ
CH2O Bass(1980) 223K 259.7-357.5nm(int,c)
CH2O Bass(1980) 223K 270-350nm(int,c)
CH2O Bass(1980) 296K 258.750-359.525nm
CH2O Bass(1980) 296K 259.7-357.5nm(int,c)
CH2O Bass(1980) 296K 270-350nm(int,c)
CH2O Bogumil(2003) 293K 247.3-400nm
CH2O Calvert(1972) 298K 290-360nm
CH2O Calvert(2000) 273K 240-365nm(rec)
CH2O Cantrell(1990) 223K 300-357.5nm(2.5nm,int-c)
CH2O Cantrell(1990) 233K 300-357.5nm(2.5nm,int-c)
CH2O Cantrell(1990) 243K 300-357.5nm(2.5nm,int-c)
CH2O Cantrell(1990) 253K 300-357.5nm(2.5nm,int-c)
CH2O Cantrell(1990) 263K 300-357.5nm(2.5nm,int-c)
CH2O Cantrell(1990) 273K 300-357.5nm(2.5nm,int-c)
CH2O Cantrell(1990) 283K 300-357.5nm(2.5nm,int-c)
CH2O Cantrell(1990) 293K 300-357.5nm(2.5nm,int-c)
CH2O Cantrell(1990) 296K 300.30-385.80nm(0.01nm)
CH2O ChanceOrphal(2011) 223.15-293.15K 300-385nm(parameters)
CH2O ChanceOrphal(2011) 223.15K 300-360nm(rec)
CH2O ChanceOrphal(2011) 233.15K 300-360nm(rec)
CH2O ChanceOrphal(2011) 243.15K 300-360nm(rec)
CH2O ChanceOrphal(2011) 253.15K 300-360nm(rec)
CH2O ChanceOrphal(2011) 263.15K 300-360nm(rec)
CH2O ChanceOrphal(2011) 273.15K 300-360nm(rec)
CH2O ChanceOrphal(2011) 283.15K 300-360nm(rec)
CH2O ChanceOrphal(2011) 293.15K 300-360nm(rec)
CH2O ChanceOrphal(2011) 298.15K 300-360nm(rec)
CH2O Chen(2002) 293K 280-300nm
CH2O ChenZhu(2001) 293K 280-310nm
CH2O ChenZhu(2003) 293K 290-330nm
CH2O Co(2005) 220K 350.877-355.871nm(400Torr)
CH2O Co(2005) 220K 352.4789-354.0247nm(max)
CH2O Co(2005) 298K 350.877-355.871nm(150Torr)
CH2O Co(2005) 298K 350.877-355.871nm(225Torr)
CH2O Co(2005) 298K 350.877-355.871nm(300Torr)
CH2O Co(2005) 298K 350.877-355.871nm(400Torr)
CH2O Co(2005) 298K 350.877-355.871nm(75Torr)
CH2O Co(2005) 298K 352.4789-354.0247nm(max)
CH2O Cooper(1996) 298K 6.2-261nm(e,e)
CH2O Crow(2009) 298K 325.5586-327.4364nm
CH2O Ernest(2012) 294K 304-330nm
CH2O Fleming(1959) 298K 154-177nm
CH2O Fleming(1959) 298K 155.49-174.87nm(max)
CH2O Friedrichs(2002) 295-2000K 174nm
CH2O Gardiner(1987) 1400-2200K 214nm(fit)
CH2O Gardiner(1987) 1456-2036K 214nm(meas)
CH2O GentieuMentall(1970) 298K 123.6,147nm
CH2O GentieuMentall(1970) 298K 65-177nm
CH2O GlickerStief(1971) 298K 123.6,147.0nm
CH2O Gratien(2007) 298K 250-360nm
CH2O IUPAC(2006) 223K 250.0-352.5nm(rec)
CH2O IUPAC(2006) 298K 224.7-367.5nm(rec)
CH2O IUPAC(2006) 298K 226-345nm(rec)
CH2O IUPAC(2013) 223K 251.7-350.0nm(rec,atm)
CH2O IUPAC(2013) 298K 226-370nm(rec,atm)
CH2O IUPAC(2013) 298K 226-375nm(rec,1nm)
CH2O JPL-2002(2002) 223K 301.25-356.25nm(rec)
CH2O JPL-2002(2002) 293K 301.25-356.25nm(rec)
CH2O JPL-2010(2011) 223K 251.6-350.0nm(rec,atm)
CH2O JPL-2010(2011) 298K 226-370nm(rec,atm)
CH2O JPL-2010(2011) 298K 226-375nm(rec,1nm)
CH2O JPL-2015(2015) 298,223K 226-370nm(rec,atm)
CH2O JPL-2015(2015) 298K 226-375nm(rec,1nm)
CH2O Mackey(1997) 423K 270-379nm
CH2O Mackey(1997) 523K 270-379nm
CH2O Mackey(1997) 573K 270-369nm
CH2O Mackey(1997) 673K 270-369nm
CH2O Mackey(1997) 773K 270-389nm
CH2O Mackey(1997) 873K 270-399nm
CH2O Matsugi(2016) 1265K 282.4-410.0nm
CH2O Matsugi(2016) 1708K 282.4-410.0nm
CH2O Matsugi(2016) 955K 282.4-410.0nm
CH2O McMillan(1966) 348K 202.3-373.8nm
CH2O McQuiggCalvert(1969) 353K 220-370nm
CH2O Meller(1992) 297K 224-376nm(0.1nm)
CH2O Meller(1992) 297K 224.55-376.01nm
CH2O MellerMoortgat(2000) 223-323K 249.38-356.56nm(T-gradient)
CH2O MellerMoortgat(2000) 223K 249.38-356.56nm(0.01nm)
CH2O MellerMoortgat(2000) 223K 250-353nm(int-c)
CH2O MellerMoortgat(2000) 298K 224-373nm(int-c)
CH2O MellerMoortgat(2000) 298K 224.56-376.00nm(0.01nm)
CH2O MellerMoortgat(2000) 298K 225.5-375.5nm(1nm)
CH2O Mentall(1971) 298K 120-177nm
CH2O Mentall(1971) 298K 60-120nm
CH2O Moortgat(1980) 285K 215-370nm(0.08nm)
CH2O Moortgat(1983) 220K 253.0-353.1nm
CH2O Moortgat(1983) 298K 253.0-353.1nm
CH2O Moortgat(1983) 353K 278.1-353.1nm
CH2O MoortgatSchneider(1989) 285K 240-360nm(1nm)
CH2O MoortgatWarneck(1979) 298K 276-355nm
CH2O Pope(2005) 263K 316-329nm
CH2O Pope(2005) 293K 313-320nm
CH2O Rogers(1990) 296K 235-365nm(0.5nm)
CH2O Rogers(1990) 296K 240-360nm(10nm)
CH2O Rogers(1990) 296K 240-367nm(0.016nm)
CH2O Smith(2006) 245K 302.546-332.882nm(0.0035nm)
CH2O Smith(2006) 245K 302.546-332.882nm(convol. 0.1nm)
CH2O Smith(2006) 245K 302.546-332.882nm(convol. 0.2nm)
CH2O Smith(2006) 245K 302.546-332.882nm(convol. 1.0nm)
CH2O Smith(2006) 294K 299.996-340.007nm(0.0035nm)
CH2O Smith(2006) 294K 299.996-340.007nm(convol. 0.1nm)
CH2O Smith(2006) 294K 299.996-340.007nm(convol. 0.2nm)
CH2O Smith(2006) 294K 299.996-340.007nm(convol. 1.0nm)
CH2O Smith(2006) 294K 302.530-340.001nm(200 Torr N2)
CH2O Suto(1986) 295K 106-180nm
CH2O Wang(2013) 900-1600K 306.74nm
CH2O Washenfelder(2016) 298K 326nm(max)

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